The Deer Or The Bird?

by | Aug 10, 2024 | NLP Around You | 0 comments

“The real power doesn’t come from the status, but from the attitude of service.” – Dr Mehernosh J Randeria

NLP Quote Corner

“We should never wait for science to give us permission to do the uncommon; if we do, then we are turning science into another religion.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza

One Minute NLP – Anchoring Positive Emotions

Anchoring is a powerful NLP technique that allows you to trigger positive emotions on demand.

The concept is simple: by associating a specific gesture, word, or touch with a positive emotional state, you can “anchor” that feeling to be recalled whenever needed. Here is how it works:

  1. Recall a Positive Memory: Think of a moment when you felt truly confident, happy, or motivated. Immerse yourself in that memory, focusing on the feelings it evokes.
  2. Set the Anchor: While fully experiencing the positive emotion, choose a simple gesture or word, like pressing your thumb and forefinger together or saying a word like “power.” This gesture or word becomes your anchor.
  3. Reinforce the Anchor: Repeat the process several times, each time reinforcing the association between the gesture or word and the positive emotion.
  4. Use the Anchor: In moments of stress or doubt, use the anchor to instantly recall the positive emotions and boost your state of mind.

Anchoring is a quick and effective way to manage emotions, stay motivated, and enhance performance in any situation.

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Meta Magic – The Deer Or The Bird?

A poor man, who relied on hunting to feed himself, set out on his hunt.

“Ah, luck is on my side today. The journey has just begun, and I already see the bird,” he said to himself.

The bird, perched on a low branch, was easy to catch.

The poor man decided to call it a day and head back home.

Just as he was turning around, he spotted a plump and healthy deer grazing nearby. The poor man’s eyes suddenly gleamed with greed.

He drew his bow and arrow, aiming for the deer. He knew the bird would fly away as soon as he set it aside, but he was undeterred, for all he could focus on was the deer before him. His mouth watered at the thought of feasting on the deer.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to steady his aim, but alas! The deer heard the bird’s flapping wings and spotted the poor man. In an instant, it fled.

Now, the poor man was left with nothing. Like a fleeting dream, the deer had vanished, and the bird, his certain meal, had flown away.

My question to you is: Are you chasing the deer and letting go of your bird?

Hook From The Book

“But books were different. They had lots of blanks. Blanks between words and even between lines. I could squeeze myself in there and sit, or walk, or scribble down my thoughts. It didn’t matter if I had no idea what the words meant. Turning the pages was half the battle.” ― Won-pyung Sohn, Almond

Movie Motivation

“Your mind is the scene of the crime.” This quote from the movie Inception reminds us that our internal representations (thoughts, memories, beliefs) shape our reality. Understanding and reprogramming these internal representations is key to changing behaviour and achieving desired outcomes.

This Week’s Winning Post

How To Stop Taking Things Personally

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Thoughtfully yours,

Mehernosh Randeria

NLP Master Trainer and Coach

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