Reflect, Reset and Rise

by | Dec 30, 2023 | NLP Around You | 0 comments

Let’s begin with a quick reflection of 2023. How would you define your 2023 in one line? Do share in the comments or reply to this newsletter. 


Thoughtful Thought

“Self-doubt is the wind, which blows off your lamp of success.”- Dr Mehernosh J Randeria


NLP Quote Corner

“If you go through the world looking for excellence, you will find excellence. If you go through the world looking for problems you will find problems. Or as the Arabic saying puts it, ‘What a piece of bread looks like depends on whether you are hungry or not’.”- Joseph O’Connor, Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People


One Minute NLP – Reflect, Reset, Rise
When you drive a car, how important is the reverse gear? Even as you begin to manoeuvre your car out of the parking space, so that you can drive it for a longer and new distance, you may often need to apply the reverse gear before you move the car into the appropriate forward gear.

While we are saying goodbye to 2023 and setting out on a new ride for 2024, it might be a good idea to shift gears, go back into reverse gear to reflect about 2023, reset and recalibrate ourselves into the present moment and then get ready to rise further into 2024 and beyond.

My New Year Gift to you today is the recording of the session which I conducted for my NLP Family on 27th Dec 2023 where we brainstormed on reflections from 2023 and embraced ourselves for 2024 through visualisations. Here is your link to the 90 minutes power packed session ‘RRR – Reflect, Reset & Rise – from 2023 to 2024’.

P.S.: The access to this video is available only for one week. To get maximum value from this session, please watch it before you enter the new year or, at the latest, in the first couple of days of the year.


Meta-Magic – Who is judging you?

A painter having completed his course decided to create his debut painting. As he was wondering how to get people’s feedback, his eyes lit up with an idea. He went to the nearby street corner and left the painting to showcase it, along with a note that read – “I am a newbie painter, and this is my first painting. Please give feedback by putting a cross wherever you find a mistake.”

When he returned in the evening, his eyes widened in shock and soon welled up with tears. He went to his master with his head hung low. When asked, he opened his heart with a lump in his throat, “I am the worst painter ever. Look at the number of crosses on my painting.”

The master took a deep breath and smiled. “Will you do what I ask you to?” He asked while gazing deep into the disciple’s eyes. When the disciple nodded yes, the master asked him to leave a replica of the same painting with another note at the same place. The only change was in the wordings of the note he had to leave there. This time, the note read – “I seek your feedback on my debut painting. I have kept a paintbrush and colours here. Please pick up and correct the wrong strokes to help me to improve.”

The next day, the disciple left the painting with a note paintbrush and some colours. When he returned in the evening, he could not believe his eyes. Not even a single correction was made to the painting. Brimmed with joy, when the Disciple returned to the master and told him what had transpired, the master said, “It is easy to point out a mistake but tough to correct it.”

My question to you is: In which areas of your life, do you feel driven by the need to get judged by other people’s definition of you?


Hook From The Book

“There are many realities. There are many versions of what may appear obvious. Whatever appears as the unshakeable truth, it’s exact opposite may also be true in another context. After all, one’s reality is but perception, viewed through various prisms of context.” – Amish Tripathi, The Immortals of Meluha


Movie Motivation

“It’s our instinct to chase what’s getting away, and to run away from what’s chasing us.” How would you relate to this quote from the movie The Great Gatsby? What are you chasing in your life?

This Week’s Winning Post

We have access to all the resources we need.

Wish you and your family a 


H.A.P.P.E.N.I.N.G. 2024!! See you next year!


Thoughtfully Yours,

Mehernosh Randeria

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